About Me

Summer 2011?...swim lessons by day, exploration of Japan by night. Bring on the kids. Bring on the beaches and that hot Okinawan sun. Bring on the strange new cultures and customs. Watch out Japan; I'm ready!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

the campA lifestyle.

Konichiwa from Okinawa!

So another week has passed by and I’m getting more and more used to my daily routine. I’ll give you all a run-down:

Wake up at 7 am.
Eat some breakie. 
Pedal my little bicycle to the pool, wearing my protective head gear of course.
Teach swim lesson until 5:45. (I have the lives of about 80 kids in my hands, no big deal.)
Shower. Eat Dinner. Annnnd finally, pass out in my bed… usually before 10 o’clock.

On the Camp Adventure Aquatics front:

Today was the last day of our first session of swim lessons. I like to think that I’m a rockstar swim instructor and created the next Michael Phelps… I told one of my kids that, but I was highly disappointed when they didn’t even know who I was talking about. However, one thing I love about teaching lessons to military kids: their parents definitely know how to cook delicious food AND they assume that we are the typical poor college students that don’t eat correctly.  Many of my kids’ moms have taken it upon themselves to feed me. So far I’ve been graced with: A bag of Oreos that were covered in chocolate chip cookie dough AND BAKED! (possibly one of the most delicious cookie inventions ever discovered.) Starbucks, twice. Patai, a phenomenal Tai cuisine. And last but not least, a piece of gum from one of my preschoolers. Keep it coming kids! Feel free to bribe your teacher. 

Room Service Update: My roommate and I are still having silent fights with our maid. I have the habit of taking my hotel towels to the pool and forgetting them there, so Yoko is punishing me by no longer giving me fresh large towels; I’m stuck with the little midget towels that aren’t good for anything. Not cool, Yoko. Not cool at all. On the bright side, one day I decided to make my side of the apartment absolutely spotless, while on the other hand, my roommate Claire’s side wasn’t quite in the best of shape. Guess who got a mint on her pillow the next morning…me. Guess who didn’t…Claire.

Weekends in Okinawa are a little more unconventional than the weekly regimen. The mini typhoon that hit the island cramped our style on Saturday, so any plans of hitting the beach definitely weren’t happening. However, Sunday included a tour bus to Shuri Castle with a stop along the way at Kokusai Street to do a little shopping. We ate at a place called Charlie’s Tacos only to discover that Japan is secretly hiding the world’s greatest taco recipe (who knew, right?)…and we even explored the museum in Naha. I saw some fake Banana Spiders and Habu Snakes, and I’m really hoping that’s the most I see of those 2 creatures. I will literally have a heart attack if I see a Banana Spider. They’ll be shipping me back over to the US in an urn if that’s the case, and I’m only exaggerating a little on this. We’re definitely planning on making another trip to Naha. The city is too big and hiding way too many little shops and cultured restaurants to uncover in merely one afternoon. 4th of July weekend has already arrived and the Kadena CampA Aquatics Staff is graced with a FOUR DAY WEEKEND!..which means, as of tomorrow, I’m ready to get some more things checked off on my Okinawa Summer11 Bucketlist!

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